We are thrilled to announce the release of Listify 1.4 which includes lots of new features and several fixes making this the best Listify release to date.
What’s new?
- Improved speed and performance.
Some of our customers have reported a slight decrease in the speed and performance of the theme. Our developers have made lots of changes which are aimed at improving the overall loading time of the theme, specially for sites with several thousand listings. - Company logo field.
My personal favourite new feature of Listify! Users can now choose to enable company logos to be uploaded as part of the listing submission. This enables listing owners to have separate company logo displayed on the listing card rather than having the author avatar.
- Listing card image customizer option.
Related to the new company logo field feature, users can now choose if they want to display the company logo or the author avatar from the theme customizer. You can even choose to have the listing displayed in a circle or square. - Single listing hero styles: standard (featured image) or gallery slider.
This is a major feature that we are introducing in Listify 1.4. Choose between the classic hero image as the cover for listings, or they can now choose to enable a background image gallery slider. - Recent posts widget for the homepage.
Yes, it is finally here. Display your latest blog posts on the homepage with the same beautiful style as the rest of the theme.
- Option to disable InfoBubble (map pin popup) Autopan on map.
Some of our users have asked for the ability to turn the info bubble option off for the map. We listened and now they can. - Automatically move to the next submission step coming from the pricing and plans page.
Another favourite of mine: users are now automatically sent to the submit listing form if they come from the pricing and plans page. This prevents users from having to re-confirm which package they are selecting before they can start entering their listing details. - Listing grid design tweaks: move “Favorite” heart to the top right of the card.
Minor tweak, that makes a big difference – we love it! - Option to open listings from archive in new window/tab.
Another minor tweak that we know our users are going to really appreciate. Admins can now choose to have listings from the results page open up in new window/tab. This way, users can stay on the results page and continue their search for the perfect listing.
Here is also a list of some of the bug fixes that we have resolved in Listify 1.4:
- Tab and term list widgets.
- Comment sorting.
- When a location is cleared from search on the homepage do not use radius search when redirected.
- Only pull images from the current listing on the map popup.
- Only show “Listing Owner” on comments if the listing is not posted by a guest.
- Allow icons to be deselected in the customizer.
- Allow magnific popup library to be translated.
- Setup Guide redirection on initial activation.
- Calculate map offset dynamically to avoid a gap in certain instances.
- Remove link from listing package tags.
- Center radio bullets.
- Update TGMPA library.
- Turn off POI for the Mapbox color scheme.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be more than happy to assist you. Make sure to also browse through the Listify documentation for detailed instructions on how to use the theme.