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Listing Page: Make the Region text Clickable

Currently on the listing page, the Region label or text is not clickable. Make the Region text Clickable and should point to its respective region pages. This feature update would improve site Internal Linking.

Category: Listify 3 comments
1 vote

Work torwards meeting core web vitals, specifically CLS

With an increased importance on the web, speed matters more than ever and Listify's theme has a CLS issue that has to do with the HTML structuring. Specifically, look at the first DIV in your theme's header . This happens on your demo or even a fairly "naked" version of the theme. I tried closing […]

Category: Listify 1 comment

Error: Please enter a valid email address

Error: Invalid email

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Error: Please enter a username

Error: Please enter a password

Error: Please confirm your password

Error: Password and password confirmation do not match