Add-Ons – Astoundify Websites Like Never Before Thu, 27 Jun 2024 05:46:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Add-Ons – Astoundify 32 32 Elementify – Elementor for WP Job Manager Wed, 27 May 2020 08:02:35 +0000 Leverage Elementify Visual Widgets to ignite the power of your WP Job Manager plugin.

The post Elementify – Elementor for WP Job Manager appeared first on Astoundify.



Elementify – Elementor for WP Job Manager

Leverage Elementify Visual Widgets to ignite the power of your WP Job Manager plugin.

Regularly Updated

We routinely add extra features and enhancements to each plugin.

High Quality Code

Built for the latest version of WordPress with best development practices.

Detailed Documentation

Detailed documentation helps you get the most use out of your purchase.

Fast and SEO Friendly

Never fear about slowing down your website or losing SEO rankings.

Free Support

Included one-on-one technical support from our dedicated team.

Regularly Updated

We routinely add extra features and enhancements to each plugin.


Design with a Drag n Drop System.

Create your own designs by using Elementor Drag n Drop System. Create unique visuals without the need of a Web Developer. We have deeply integrated our software to help you with view the end results.


Match your own design.

Control the design of any portfolio. Match your web site style and release your creativity while editing. Use any of our Premade styles to boost your design choices!

Simple pricing.

No surprises.

Elementify – Elementor for WP Job Manager





All of our Themes & Plugins come with Extensive Documentation covering all the features but also integrations and combinations between the Product line!


Interactive library of Videos explaining properly all the functionality, helping you setup everything in no time!

this addon is part of bundle at


All of our Themes & Plugins come with Extensive Documentation covering all the features but also integrations and combinations between the Product line!


Interactive library of Videos explaining properly all the functionality, helping you setup everything in no time!

The post Elementify – Elementor for WP Job Manager appeared first on Astoundify.

WP Job Manager Reporting Fri, 01 Oct 2021 12:38:01 +0000 Report posts or pages with inappropriate content

The post WP Job Manager Reporting appeared first on Astoundify.



WP Job Manager Reporting

Report posts or pages with inappropriate content

Regularly Updated

We routinely add extra features and enhancements to each plugin.

High Quality Code

Built for the latest version of WordPress with best development practices.

Detailed Documentation

Detailed documentation helps you get the most use out of your purchase.

Fast and SEO Friendly

Never fear about slowing down your website or losing SEO rankings.

Free Support

Included one-on-one technical support from our dedicated team.

Regularly Updated

We routinely add extra features and enhancements to each plugin.


Get email notifications for reported posts

WP Job Manager Reporting is a highly customizable plugin that lets your visitors to report posts or pages with inappropriate content. Get all the reported posts on your email. Manage Reporting content from backend easily.


Simple form for the users to fill

Users can report any inappropriate post in no time and you get the necessary data to improve your website. Access all the reported posts from the backend and perform actions like publish or unpublish posts.

Simple pricing.

No surprises.

WP Job Manager Reporting




this addon is part of bundle at


All of our Themes & Plugins come with Extensive Documentation covering all the features but also integrations and combinations between the Product line!


Interactive library of Videos explaining properly all the functionality, helping you setup everything in no time!

The post WP Job Manager Reporting appeared first on Astoundify.

Appointify – Appointments Planner For WordPress Mon, 15 Nov 2021 13:18:43 +0000 Appointments planner for WordPress

The post Appointify – Appointments Planner For WordPress appeared first on Astoundify.



Appointify – Appointments Planner For WordPress

Appointments planner for WordPress

Regularly Updated

We routinely add extra features and enhancements to each plugin.

High Quality Code

Built for the latest version of WordPress with best development practices.

Detailed Documentation

Detailed documentation helps you get the most use out of your purchase.

Fast and SEO Friendly

Never fear about slowing down your website or losing SEO rankings.

Free Support

Included one-on-one technical support from our dedicated team.

Regularly Updated

We routinely add extra features and enhancements to each plugin.


Create and manage appointments

Appointify App is built to work out of the box. Simply install the plugin, configure your settings, and start creating events in minutes. Whether your vision is big or small, you’re in good company.


Organize your Day and Plan your next move

Appointify allows you to share your calendar and have your funnel start by others planning appointments on top of it – with their own calendar authorized!

Simple pricing.

No surprises.

Appointify – Appointments Planner For WordPress





All of our Themes & Plugins come with Extensive Documentation covering all the features but also integrations and combinations between the Product line!


Interactive library of Videos explaining properly all the functionality, helping you setup everything in no time!

this addon is part of bundle at


All of our Themes & Plugins come with Extensive Documentation covering all the features but also integrations and combinations between the Product line!


Interactive library of Videos explaining properly all the functionality, helping you setup everything in no time!

The post Appointify – Appointments Planner For WordPress appeared first on Astoundify.

Extensify Thu, 29 Dec 2022 10:18:58 +0000 Recently Viewed Badge Listings and Recently Viewed Slider Listings features

The post Extensify appeared first on Astoundify.






Recently Viewed Badge Listings and Recently Viewed Slider Listings features

Regularly Updated

We routinely add extra features and enhancements to each plugin.

High Quality Code

Built for the latest version of WordPress with best development practices.

Detailed Documentation

Detailed documentation helps you get the most use out of your purchase.

Fast and SEO Friendly

Never fear about slowing down your website or losing SEO rankings.

Free Support

Included one-on-one technical support from our dedicated team.

Regularly Updated

We routinely add extra features and enhancements to each plugin.

Recently Viewed Badge Listings

If we visit any listing then we see the Recently Viewed badge next to the listing. This badge shows which listings the user has recently viewed. This badge is helpful for users to quickly find the listings they have recently viewed and compare them with other listings.

Recently Viewed Slider Listings

We can display the Recently View list as a slider form by using a carousel library or plugin. This can be implemented by creating a section with a carousel plugin or library code, where the items in the Recently View list can be either images or texts. By using the carousel library, the items in the Recently View list will automatically be displayed in a slider form.

Compatible With

Simple pricing.

No surprises.


$69 $29

$69 $29



All of our Themes & Plugins come with Extensive Documentation covering all the features but also integrations and combinations between the Product line!


Interactive library of Videos explaining properly all the functionality, helping you setup everything in no time!

The post Extensify appeared first on Astoundify.

Add-On Bundle Fri, 12 Jun 2015 15:22:05 +0000 Everything you need to power your directory site in one bundle!

The post Add-On Bundle appeared first on Astoundify.


Add-On Bundle

Add-On Bundle

Everything you need to power your directory site in one bundle!

Regularly Updated

We routinely add extra features and enhancements to each plugin.

High Quality Code

Built for the latest version of WordPress with best development practices.

Detailed Documentation

Detailed documentation helps you get the most use out of your purchase.

Fast and SEO Friendly

Never fear about slowing down your website or losing SEO rankings.

Free Support

Included one-on-one technical support from our dedicated team.

Regularly Updated

We routinely add extra features and enhancements to each plugin.

Listing Payments

Generate revenue on your listing website by charging users to create a new listing. Create listing packages to allow listing submission for a specific length, or number of submissions.


Help listing owners generate revenue with WooCommerce. Further monetize your website by taking a commission of each product sale attached to your user’s listings.

Private Messages

Allowing your users to communicate ensures more activitiy on your website. Ensure your users can easily keep their conversations active using a custom messaging dashboard.



Quickly and easily monitor activity on your listings. Offer users the opportunity to see their own statistics for any period they like. Track views, clicks, and applications.


Quickly save listings for later while browsing results.

Allow more granular searching of listings for more accurate results.

Create your own designs by using Elementor Drag n Drop System.

Add a Quick View to your WooCommerce Products

Create revenue by charging users to post listings.

Quickly create a business profile and promote

Design your Widgets and Keep your Branding

Identify users and offer them more personalized experience

Beautifully coded popup for visitors with cookie integration

Makes job title search faster and more accurate for the user

Makes location search faster and accurate for the user

Ensure user's listings are found on your website and by Google

Collect valuable user information upon registration

Granular search with "search by region" filtering

Help your listing owners with more advanced reviews



(billed annually)
$10 /mo Includes
  • All Plugins Access
  • Email Support
  • 1 Site


(billed annually)
$20 /mo Personal, and
  • All Plugins Access​
  • Chat Support
  • 5 Sites


(billed annually)
$40 /mo Pro, and
  • All Plugins Access​
  • Call Support
  • 25 Sites



$ 29
  • Monthly Renewal
  • Detailed Documentation
  • Regularly Updated
  • Single Site
  • 100% GPL


$ 79
  • Yearly Renewal
  • Detailed Documentation
  • Regularly Updated
  • Single Site
  • 100% GPL


$ 179
  • Lifetime Technical Support
  • Detailed Documentation
  • Regularly Updated
  • Single Site
  • 100% GPL


All of our Themes & Plugins come with Extensive Documentation covering all the features but also integrations and combinations between the Product line!


Interactive library of Videos explaining properly all the functionality, helping you setup everything in no time!

The post Add-On Bundle appeared first on Astoundify.

Modalify – Modal and Popups for WordPress Mon, 02 Aug 2021 11:23:41 +0000 Beautifully coded popup for visitors with cookie integration

The post Modalify – Modal and Popups for WordPress appeared first on Astoundify.



Modalify – Modal and Popups for WordPress

Beautifully coded popup for visitors with cookie integration

Regularly Updated

We routinely add extra features and enhancements to each plugin.

High Quality Code

Built for the latest version of WordPress with best development practices.

Detailed Documentation

Detailed documentation helps you get the most use out of your purchase.

Fast and SEO Friendly

Never fear about slowing down your website or losing SEO rankings.

Free Support

Included one-on-one technical support from our dedicated team.

Regularly Updated

We routinely add extra features and enhancements to each plugin.


Customize pop-ups to your liking

Customize look and feel of you pop-ups to match your branding, the combinations provided are endless. Customize the layout, position, background color, overlay color, opacity and much more.  Add video, HTML, iFrame, shortcode of any plugin to display on the pop-up.


Create Unlimited Popups

Create and manage powerful promotion popups for your WordPress blog or website. Easy to use popup plugin that grabs your visitor’s attention and helps to introduce offers, discounts or other promotional offers.

Simple pricing.

No surprises.

Modalify – Modal and Popups for WordPress




this addon is part of bundle at


All of our Themes & Plugins come with Extensive Documentation covering all the features but also integrations and combinations between the Product line!


Interactive library of Videos explaining properly all the functionality, helping you setup everything in no time!

The post Modalify – Modal and Popups for WordPress appeared first on Astoundify.

Job Designer for WP Job Manager Tue, 13 Oct 2020 09:42:48 +0000 Design your Widgets and Keep your Branding

The post Job Designer for WP Job Manager appeared first on Astoundify.


Job Designer

Job Designer for WP Job Manager

Design your Widgets and Keep your Branding

Regularly Updated

We routinely add extra features and enhancements to each plugin.

High Quality Code

Built for the latest version of WordPress with best development practices.

Detailed Documentation

Detailed documentation helps you get the most use out of your purchase.

Fast and SEO Friendly

Never fear about slowing down your website or losing SEO rankings.

Free Support

Included one-on-one technical support from our dedicated team.

Regularly Updated

We routinely add extra features and enhancements to each plugin.


Style all of the WP Job Manager Widgets, with no Coding Knowledge.

Plenty of easy-to-use settings to customise background, borders, colours, fonts, margins and padding.


Style all your widgets, through one centralized dashboard

Allows you to style the design of WP Job Manager widgets to ensure a consistent design with your branding. All the setting, under one dashboard for quick styling and modifications.

Simple pricing.

No surprises.

Job Designer for WP Job Manager




this addon is part of bundle at


All of our Themes & Plugins come with Extensive Documentation covering all the features but also integrations and combinations between the Product line!


Interactive library of Videos explaining properly all the functionality, helping you setup everything in no time!

The post Job Designer for WP Job Manager appeared first on Astoundify.

Company Listings for WP Job Manager Tue, 13 Oct 2020 09:42:27 +0000 Streamlines your company directory

The post Company Listings for WP Job Manager appeared first on Astoundify.


Company Listings

Company Listings for WP Job Manager

Streamlines your company directory

Regularly Updated

We routinely add extra features and enhancements to each plugin.

High Quality Code

Built for the latest version of WordPress with best development practices.

Detailed Documentation

Detailed documentation helps you get the most use out of your purchase.

Fast and SEO Friendly

Never fear about slowing down your website or losing SEO rankings.

Free Support

Included one-on-one technical support from our dedicated team.

Regularly Updated

We routinely add extra features and enhancements to each plugin.


Quickly create a business profile and promote business listings.

A new way for you, to create extra income by having a different pricing for companies career page. Create Company pages and give them to companies to use as career page!


Scale your web site visits with new Social Carrer Pages

Use this plugin to increase the social touchpoint of your resumes and increase organic visits from people who are looking careers on specific companies! 

Simple pricing.

No surprises.

Company Listings for WP Job Manager




this addon is part of bundle at


All of our Themes & Plugins come with Extensive Documentation covering all the features but also integrations and combinations between the Product line!


Interactive library of Videos explaining properly all the functionality, helping you setup everything in no time!

The post Company Listings for WP Job Manager appeared first on Astoundify.

Auto Job Suggest for WP Job Manager Tue, 13 Oct 2020 09:42:01 +0000 Brings you an engaging job search experience

The post Auto Job Suggest for WP Job Manager appeared first on Astoundify.


Auto Job Suggestion

Auto Job Suggest for WP Job Manager

Brings you an engaging job search experience

Regularly Updated

We routinely add extra features and enhancements to each plugin.

High Quality Code

Built for the latest version of WordPress with best development practices.

Detailed Documentation

Detailed documentation helps you get the most use out of your purchase.

Fast and SEO Friendly

Never fear about slowing down your website or losing SEO rankings.

Free Support

Included one-on-one technical support from our dedicated team.

Regularly Updated

We routinely add extra features and enhancements to each plugin.


Improves accuracy by reducing potential errors while typing.

Helps users find their desired job title with ease and accuracy as typing could lead to spelling mistakes. In the suggestions they see similar job titles that can interest them and which they might not have come across otherwise.


Improves user experience

Fast display of matching titles significantly reduces the time needed for your users to type their desired job title.

Simple pricing.

No surprises.

Auto Job Suggest for WP Job Manager




this addon is part of bundle at


All of our Themes & Plugins come with Extensive Documentation covering all the features but also integrations and combinations between the Product line!


Interactive library of Videos explaining properly all the functionality, helping you setup everything in no time!

The post Auto Job Suggest for WP Job Manager appeared first on Astoundify.

Auto Location for WP Job Manager Tue, 13 Oct 2020 09:41:23 +0000 Makes location search faster and accurate for the user

The post Auto Location for WP Job Manager appeared first on Astoundify.


Auto Location

Auto Location for WP Job Manager

Makes location search faster and accurate for the user

Regularly Updated

We routinely add extra features and enhancements to each plugin.

High Quality Code

Built for the latest version of WordPress with best development practices.

Detailed Documentation

Detailed documentation helps you get the most use out of your purchase.

Fast and SEO Friendly

Never fear about slowing down your website or losing SEO rankings.

Free Support

Included one-on-one technical support from our dedicated team.

Regularly Updated

We routinely add extra features and enhancements to each plugin.


Improves user experience by eliminating errors while typing.

Improves user experience by reducing time taken in typing a location and improving accuracy by eliminating spelling errors.


Show suggestions relevant to your users.

Gives you the ability to restrict suggestions by country, city etc. on your website. Users can select auto suggested locations while submitting new listings as well.

Simple pricing.

No surprises.

Auto Location for WP Job Manager




this addon is part of bundle at


All of our Themes & Plugins come with Extensive Documentation covering all the features but also integrations and combinations between the Product line!


Interactive library of Videos explaining properly all the functionality, helping you setup everything in no time!

The post Auto Location for WP Job Manager appeared first on Astoundify.
